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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Toddler Tip Tuesday's: Eating Veggies

We love to make this Green Smoothie Recipe to be sure Hadley is getting veggies as well as fruit.  She loves them and so do we.  It is a great breakfast to make on the run.  My blender is a travel cup so I make it right in there and pour some into Hadley's cup on our way out to drink in the car.

Ingredients: 1 Banana, 1 handful of frozen blueberry's, 6 or 7 frozen strawberry's and a handful of spinach.
Put it all in the Blender and fill with water.


I had some extra spinach so here was yesterdays lunch of fresh whole wheat tortilla pizzas.  Sometimes simple food is the best and this was so yummy.  Just 4 ingredients: Tortilla, Hummus, Spinach & Tomatoes seasoned with sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

1 comment:

  1. YUM!! Delish.

    Both so simple but yummy :) Good idea for extra boosters for 5+ fruit and veges a day.
